Perhaps the British propaganda poster is more pertinent now than ever. But, how exactly did the simple graphics circa 1939 come to fruition? The history as show below is courtesy of the website Keep Calm and Carry On.
May I suggest every home needs a copy as a gentle reminder H1N1 shouldn't

paralyze your home with fear...
checking your account balance online.
Pretty in pink for the little Princess' room, a suppressant for teen or tween drama.
At some point the economy will rebound and perhaps we will have learned a lesson or two on living life a titch more frugally. See more sour apple green...I purchased my copy on Etsy for $24.50 including shipping (unframed).
If you live in the upper Midwest, as I do, we will soon see the sun and get the Vitamin D we so desperately need. Add a little sunshine with a lemon yellow print.
Simple words to live by, "Keep Calm and Carry On."

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col·lab·o·rate: To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
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