Spring has officially sprung! The over night temperatures might be a bit too chilly for adding colorful perennials, but don't let this stop you from sprucing up your outdoor living spaces. A few of my favorite picks to easily and inexpensively brighten your outdoor decor...
Bold graphic floral prints without needing a green thumb or a watering can. Outdoor pillows are UV and waterproof. $32 and free shipping from Pottery Barn online.

A place to perch! Add extra seating or a makeshift cocktail table with these espadrille
striped floor cushions or glossy garden stools both from Pottery Barn.

Simple as sisal with great natural color and fabulous texture.
Get cozy with a gas heat lamp or a copper fire pit courtesy of Restoration Hardware and Smith and Hawkin. Just add friends for wood-sey fun minus those pesky tents and sleeping bags.

A picture perfect window detail.
Every home should feature a window box for seasonal planting all year long.

Grab the spf and a cold glass of lemonade and head outdoors to enjoy!

Every home should feature a window box for seasonal planting all year long.

Grab the spf and a cold glass of lemonade and head outdoors to enjoy!

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