
Not your grandma's wallpaper...

Wallcovering has had a turbulent existence, coming in and out of vogue. Without doubt it's enjoying a renaissance of it's own. My suggestion is to use it sparingly. Create a little jewel box by adorning walls of a power room, dressing room or study. Here are a few of my favorite bold patterns from Osborne and Little and Designers Guild.

A modern twist on a vertical stripe. (Osborne and Little)

A sweet print done in a modern palette. (Osborne and Little)

Retro at it's finest. (Osborne and Little)
Forget the floral and go graphic. (Osborne and Little)
Flocked silhouettes in funky colors. (Osborne and Little)
Flocked K-9's pose in the pattern called best in show. (Osborne and Little)

Moody and dramatic swans on black. (Designers Guild)

Pretty in pink damask. (Designers Guild)
A subtle stripe. (Designers Guild)
Girly and fun in pink and green. (Designers Guild)
A tone on tone wide stripe. (Designers Guild)Easily installed as an accent wall.
Questioning how to incorporate wallcovering into your scheme? I'm happy to help... brooke@brookevossdesign.com

1 comment:

col·lab·o·rate: To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.

I would love to hear your thoughts!