Hands down my favorite accessory is and always will be flowers. Filling your home with fresh flowers need not be complicated nor expensive. Minneapolis boasts one of the finest farmer's markets in the Midwest making fresh cut stems accessible and affordable.
Three rules to arrange by:
1. Keep. It. Simple. One flower, one color, immense impact.
2. Flower Power Squared. Load your arms (green grocery bag or basket) with as many bundles as you think it will take to fill your vessel... then double the amount. When in doubt er on the side of too much. If ever there is a time for excess it's now.
3. Let Them Billow. Trim stems close and clean (cutting at a diagonal) and fill your container to maximum capacity.

A fool proof centerpiece of peonies.
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col·lab·o·rate: To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
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