Nearly a century ago Mariano Fortuny developed a unique, artistic process for printing textiles. Fortuny's fabric adorns the finest churches, museums & palaces including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, the Carnavalet Museum in Paris and Blair House in Washington D.C. Fortuny used his own formulations of dyes and pigments based on ancient, time honored techniques. The fabrics created in 1907 were so mystifying, rumors began to swirl that sorcery and magic must have been used to create pieces with such authentic antiquity. Fortuny's intricate process is still held secret withing the island factory walls. Countess Gozzi of Italy was a generous host welcoming guests to Guidecca's gardens but no one was or ever has been allowed to witness the production of these exquisite Italian textiles.
Fortuny is a truly incredible fabric deep and rich with pigment and elegantly printed with simmering, yet subtle, intricate patterns. While owning your own Fortuny piece comes with a significant price tag, if cared for properly it will age and preserve beautifully for generations.
To read and learn more about the history of Fortuny
please click here to visit the official website.

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